Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Church Parade

He Made It!!
It's always a tense moment when the Drum Sergeant Major throws the mace over the gates - will the mace be caught? or fall to the ground? or not even make it over the gates in the first place? Despite the pressure drum Sergeant Major Ryan Maloney '10 was calm and effortlessly tossed the mace over the gates as everyone cheered and clapped (for me it was especially exciting being my first church parade and all). For those of you who don't know - this past weekend was Church Parade where the Ridley cadets march through downtown St. Catharines. The parade starts with the cadets moving out from the school and the Drum Sergeant Major throwing the mace over the gates and hopefully catching it, the next notable stop is 68 Yates Street (the former site of the school) where the cadets do a traditional "eyes left" - our headmaster Mr. Jonathan Leigh along with Lt. Carl Dorland – a veteran of World War II and former Ridley Faculty member – and Henry Burgoyne ’67 (representing his mother, Mrs. Dorothy Burgoyne-Doolittle, who also served in the Second World War and is a former member of Ridley’s Board of Governors) were at the site, the last stop of the parade is the front circle of campus where there is a drum head ceremony. Despite humidity and the threat of rain the weather stayed relatively nice and the cadets did an amazing job! Check out the video from the parade:

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